IT’S NOT OVER YET: the ‘15-’16 staff is here to change
Staff Editorial
Sometimes changes look like endings – whether they’re relationships, graduations or another year of Flyer News. We know it’s hard to change. We’ve had to say goodbye to a sports guy, a lifesaving art director, a self-identified basic white rapper fangirl, a tall Eagle Scout and a HBIC.
But we’ve also welcomed new talents and new faces that we know will earn their titles in time. Some of them will take on titles that haven’t existed before, including us, Amanda Dee and Allie Gauthier. As you’ve been making changes, so have we. Next year, we will lead Flyer News as co-editors-in-chief supported by a print staff of section editors: News Editor Rachel Cain, Arts and Entertainment Editor Mary Kate Dorr, Opinions Editor Steven Goodman and Sports Editor Daniel Massa. We’ve also expanded to an online staff: Multimedia Editor Chris Santucci, Breaking News Editor Roger Hoke and Web Editor Louis De Gruy. Our website will soon reflect that, thanks to our dedicated Web Technician Melissa Shaffer.
Sometimes we don’t know or can’t see what’s changing – whether it’s because the changes are internal or taken for granted. Although we will desperately miss Advertising Manager Will DiFrancesca, you might not realize when Aline Leclair joins us again with Business Manager Molly Kunkel.
Sometimes we have no idea where we’re going. Maybe you never thought you would work for a newspaper, but you’ll end up designing masterpieces as Flyer News art director. We may not know exactly what’s going to happen next on campus or around the rest of the world, but we do know we’ll keep changing with you. Because it’s never really over.
Check and @FlyerNews on Twitter for stories and updates throughout the summer. If you want to contribute stories or media or work for Flyer News, contact Co-Editors-in-Chief Allie Gauthier and Amanda Dee at