New Logo And Slogan Chosen For Flyer Media

Kayla Kingston
Contributing Writer

In October 2018, UD’s Communication Department ran a campus-wide contest that asked students to submit ideas for a new logo and slogan for Flyer Media. Several months later, the winners have been chosen.  Matt Schubert’s logo is the new representation of Flyer Media and, quite by chance, Schubert’s slogan – “All Media, One Community” – also won the slogan contest.

The Communication Department received dozens of submissions back in the fall semester.  A committee narrowed down the submissions to six logos and seven slogans they thought best encompassed the purpose of Flyer Media, which is to combine Flyer News, TV and radio into a single entity meant to educate students about campus events and issues through the usage of a free press.

Power was then put into the students’ hands, allowing UD students to vote on their favorite logo and slogan.  Both just happened to have been created by Schubert. 

The new logo features wings as a homage to the history of the Wright Brothers and Dayton Flyers.  It also gives a tribute to FM radio.

“I’m really happy I was able to contribute to Flyer Media’s image,” said Schubert, a junior communication major with a concentration in journalism.  “I think the logo and slogan represent UD because it touches on Dayton’s roots in community.  We are all Flyers and we all care about our community, which is the message I think Flyer Media is trying to convey.”

Schubert isn’t the only one who thinks the new visual element and slogan are a good fit.  Pat Enright, director of Flyer Media, also is a fan.  “We really liked the use of ‘community’ in the slogan, since that’s such a huge part of the UD experience and culture,” Enright said.

Michael Graham took second place for his logo, and Sean Newhouse placed second for his slogan “By Students, For Students.”  Monetary prizes will be distributed to the first- and second-place winners.  Graham and Allison Brace also will receive prizes for the creativity of their submissions.

Photo courtesy of Christian Cubacub. 

Flyer News: Univ. of Dayton's Student Newspaper