UD EMS member reflects on serving during the pandemic

UD junior Audrey Muck shared her experience working on the EMS squad during the 2020- 2021 school year. Photo courtesy of Flyer News.

Shea Donovan | Contributing Writer

Almost three decades ago, with a donated university van and a side room in the Public Safety building, University of Dayton Emergency Medical Services (UD EMS) was founded. UD EMS has since grown into an invaluable organization with a forever home on the University of Dayton campus.

In 1993, UD EMS began the school year with seven trained Emergency Medical Technicians and one used ambulance, working Thursday through Saturday from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. Today, the 100% student run organization consists of approximately 60 undergraduate students who provide 24/7 pre-hospital care and transportation for all medical and trauma emergencies that arise during the academic year.

For decades, UD EMS has shown a dedication to serving the UD community. Even today, the organization continues to develop in meaningful ways, always striving to provide the best possible support for the UD campus.

Muck poses for a photo in the EMS ambulance. Photo provided by Muck.

The past year has been filled with overwhelming uncertainty, but UD EMS has remained on the frontlines of healthcare, never ceasing to uphold their standard of excellence.

Audrey Muck, University of Dayton junior, is among UD EMS crew members who are taking this time to reflect on the experiences and meaning of the past year.

“It is easy to focus on the negative and resent COVID-19 for ultimately changing my college experience as a student, but what allows me to see the bigger picture is my time here in UD EMS,” said Muck.

The opportunity to care for the UD community during this crisis has rewarded Muck in ways she never could have imagined. She has drawn unmistakable inspiration from the chance to be behind the scenes and experience the effort first-hand, noting that this experience has opened her eyes to so much more.

“It has granted me the opportunity to see health disparities and inequalities first-hand, especially with vaccine and testing distribution to the lower-economic status parts of our nation,” said Muck.

As our country continues to navigate this public health crisis, Muck hopes to fight for and change this reality.

COVID-19 and the impacts of this pandemic are widespread and enduring. The environmental impacts are particularly striking to Muck, who noted that she sees littered disposable masks almost everywhere she goes.

“I think more needs to be done to raise awareness about the status of our climate crisis and combat it head on,” said Muck.

Through her undergraduate education at UD, Muck will ultimately be pursuing a career in medicine. She is confident that this pandemic, and her UD EMS role in it, will prove to be significant factors in the shaping of her future endeavors.

“COVID-19 has forever changed the medical realm, and I am interested in seeing how we will move forward from this,” said Muck.

As she looks toward the future with optimism, Muck encourages everyone to receive the vaccine if possible, an action that will put us one step closer to diminishing the dangers of this public health crisis.

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