Keeping up with New Year’s Resolutions as UD Students

Pictured is UD’s chapel. Photo courtesy of Keegan Gumpta for Flyer News.

Charley Lustig | Opinions Editor

January is thought of to be a time of change, associated with the phrase “New year, new me.” But what is the reality of this phrase? Can it truly be accomplished? How can UD students stay on top of their goals? 

Setting goals as a student can be a relatively easy task, but actually accomplishing them can be a much more daunting mission. We are already surrounded by the pressure of our parents and career world for our grades, extracurriculars, and work experiences. What is often left behind, like a little girl’s beloved teddy at a playground, is the importance of creating achievable goals and maintaining a healthy mentality/lifestyle. 

Here are some tips to keep yourself accountable towards your goals…

  1. Create Goals that are Achievable 

I know from personal experience that sometimes I make goals that are near impossible for me to achieve. This not only gets me down in the dumps when I am unable to accomplish what seems like a “simple task” but truly eats at my self esteem and image. One thing I have learned in creating achievable goals is to make them numerical and realistic. Take into consideration the place in life where you are at. If your course load is astronomical or your job often requires some overtime, take these prior commitments into consideration and work from there. Goals don’t have to be set to the height of Mount Everest, even a simple to do list for the week can have a great impact. 

  1. Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your goals provides you with a visualization of what you want yourself to accomplish. When you see your goals written down, it holds you accountable and helps you to remember what you want to achieve in the semester, year, or four years if you are a big planner. This list may even provide you with the needed motivation to get down to business! So whether it’s in a hot pink pen or in all capital letters written in Sharpie, take some time to reflect and write down those goals! 

  1. Allow Yourself to Take Breaks

Life is stressful! Regardless if you are trying to wrap up your freshman year of college or are in your first semester of grad school, acknowledge that life sometimes has different plans. Hence, give yourself the time and space to relax. Maybe you’re the type of person who finds comfort in meditation in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, or maybe you’re a social butterfly who loves to bar hop on Brown Street but either way, be sure to give yourself a break or two when you need it. It’s ok and even healthy to step away from the hypnotic Apple screen that seems to always be covered in some kind of assignment. After taking the time to breathe, you can jump back into the swing of things more motivated and focused! 

  1. Don’t Beat Down on Yourself When You’re Struggling or Don’t Accomplish Your Goal

It can be discouraging when you haven’t accomplished one of your goals or it seems like your efforts just aren’t enough. In any case, it’s important to remember that failure to achieve one goal does not define you or your worth. Unfortunately there will always be these types of hiccups in your life, but how can you recognize the good without the bad? If anything, this can be the perfect opportunity to reflect more on where you see yourself now and where you want to go! Even if you have not achieved one goal by the intended deadline, adjust and move onward!

  1. Reward Yourself When You Achieve Your Goal

You did it! You set out on a mission and achieved your goal! This is a time of celebration and for reward! It is important to recognize the strenuous effort and monumental work you have put into accomplishing your goals. Of course, this comes with appropriate moderation but it’s important to taste the fruits of your labor. Afterwards, it will motivate you to create new goals as well as to continue bettering yourself and the world around you. Keep moving forward and who knows the greatness you will achieve! 

The year of 2024 has still just begun and therefore it’s not too late to write up your own set of resolutions and goals for the following months! Reach out to friends, family, professors, or even fellow coworkers for ideas on how you can take charge of your life! Here, at the University of Dayton, we want to support you in your every endeavor, so feel free to reach out to Flyer News and let us know what you want to accomplish this year! 

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