UD Gets High Rankings From Princeton Review, Barstool

Sean Newhouse 
Online Editor-in-Chief

College prep company The Princeton Review gave the University of Dayton high marks in its annual best colleges listing.

UD is #11 in intramural sport participation, #11 in happiest students and #15 for students who love their school.

The rankings are based on college visits and data collection done by the Princeton Review, as well as feedback from students, parents, faculty and staff.


UD is also a top 25 party school according to Barstool Sports, a digital pop culture and sports outlet. Barstool Flyers, a popular social media page among UD students, is an affiliate of Barstool Sports.

In August, UD was #4. But as of Sept. 16, UD dropped to #12. Barstool updates the rankings regularly.

Barstool Flyers did not return a comment about the criteria for the party school rankings or why UD dropped to #12.

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