Student Government President Gives Semester Progress Report, Praises Work Done by Student Representatives
Grace James
News Editor
Senior and Student Government Association (SGA) President Bryan Borodkin praised SGA’s work this semester in a progress report to Flyer News. Cover photo of this year’s SGA members courtesy of SGA.
Overall, how would you rate the success of SGA this semester?
I think that this has been an incredible semester for SGA. In my four years within SGA, I have never seen so much advocacy work being done by class representatives and senators. We currently have senators installing wind turbines on campus, improving the blue light system, improving lighting in the “dark side,” going above and beyond advocating for student organizations, and more. In addition, we have begun to critically think about our funding process and how we can make it more accessible and equitable for all organizations.
What specific initiatives or events are you most proud of?
There’s a lot to choose from here. I am really proud of our special programs team for putting on incredible events focused on inclusive language, sustainable practices, and campus engagement. I am especially proud of the two strikes that were held on campus recently that SGA helped facilitate to focus on climate change and gun safety. It was truly inspiring to see so many passionate students come together to discuss incredibly pressing campus and national issues.
I am also proud of the letter that SGA authored on the collegiate perspective on gun safety and violence. This letter was sent to over 20 Ohio government officials including Governor DeWine and was co-signed by nearly 50 student government presidents from around Ohio and the nation.
What was the biggest learning curve this semester, or what do you think SGA can improve upon next semester?
This has been a heavy semester. Unfortunately, our campus has seen several hate and bias related incidents against members of our community. In times like this, SGA strives to manage our campus climate in the best way possible. Responding quickly, appropriately, and beneficially to campus events and climate is something we will continue to make the best it can be.
I also think that next semester SGA will be focused on planning and hosting more events. We tweaked our organization’s structure this year and we will continue to figure out the best structure that supports both senator advocacy projects and event hosting.
Have you received any feedback from students about SGA this semester, and if so, what were some common comments?
Feedback from students has been good! Almost all of our PATH eligible events have been filled, we have seen an increased engagement with the organization on social media, and students have been quick to participate in forums and share ideas. When it comes to bias incidents mentioned above, the feedback regarding our responses has been mixed, as is common. Some students think that we say too much, others think we don’t say enough. As stated above, this is something we are working on improving!
What are some goals for your work as president next semester?
Next semester, I really want to focus on housing and safety. I, along with my Vice President Tyler Clogg, have a meeting scheduled with housing at the beginning of break to discuss several ideas that either we have brainstormed, or students have brought to us to improve the housing system. In addition, towards the end of the first semester, we met with a handful of public safety officers and Chief Chatman to discuss how we can improve the Flyer Ride system and implement campus safety software. In addition, we will continue to plan for this year’s senior sendoff and support CAB’s spring concert to make both events as fun as possible for students!
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