Student Government Gives Campus A ‘Tough Talk’

Student Government Association held its first Tough Talk event of the school year Wednesday as part of Community Means Everyone (CME) Week programming.
The goal of the event was to allow students of different backgrounds to have roundtable discussions about the issue of race on campus, according to the CME website. By having these difficult conversations, SGA hopes to create better understanding between people and develop a stronger community.
Topics covered in the roundtables included intersectionality, microaggressions and racial profiling. Each discussion began with a brief introduction and was followed with questions for each group to ponder.
The PATH-eligible event welcomed many students as well as several university administrators and officials. UD Police Chief Rodney Chatman and vice president for Diversity and Inclusion Lawrence Burnley were in attendance.
SGA director of Campus Unity and sophomore political science major Delali Nenonene organized the evening’s events and was pleased with the outcome.
“I think everything ran pretty smoothly. It seemed like all the tables had good discussions. Hopefully people learned something and use what they learned to make our community stronger.”
Nenonene said plans for next semester’s Tough Talk will include topics of language and gender.
Wednesday’s Tough Talk was just one of the many events held during CME Week. All events focus around the central theme of creating a more authentic community. By learning to respect and celebrate the dignity and identities of all people, the UD community becomes a more welcoming place.
To learn more about CME Week visit
Photo Courtesy of Emma Kapp
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