Relay For Life: UD Students Raise Money For American Cancer Society

Claire Schmig
Staff Writer

Relay for Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, and is the world’s largest fundraising event against cancer.

Thousands of volunteers in over 25 countries give their time and effort to plan an event in their community to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer, according to the Relay for Life website.
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The University of Dayton ‘Colleges Against Cancer’ committee hosted their Relay for Life event Saturday, April 7 from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.

 “We start planning Relay for Life in August,” said senior Grace Erny, President of UD’s Colleges Against Cancer chapter. “Different clubs on campus make teams and individually to fundraise. We also have on-sight fundraising opportunities.”

The event began with a survivor ceremony with cancer survivors from the Dayton-area coming to share their stories. Throughout the day, performers, games and activities kept participants engaged and intrigued passersby to join the cause.

This is the eighth Relay for Life Erny has helped plan. She began volunteering for the event her freshman year of high school and continued to get involved after arriving to UD. She has served as President of Colleges Against Cancer at UD for three years.

“My grandpa died of cancer when I was in fourth grade, and me doing this is a good way to honor him,” Erny said.

The fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi was one of the organizations that held an on-sight fundraiser during the event. They sold grilled cheeses for $1. So many people came to support the cause they needed to make another trip to grocery store to be able to make more sandwiches.

“We all love being able to give back and help with such a great cause,” said Austin Winhusen, a junior and member of Phi Kappa Psi. “Even though the American Cancer Society isn’t our direct philanthropy our national organization fundraises for, this is a great opportunity to get involved at UD while helping out those who desperately need it.”

All of the money raised funds life-saving cancer research patient support services, prevention and education information, and detection and treatment programs, according to the Relay for Life website. Over $400 million has funded potentially life-saving cancer research grants.
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The committee has yet to reach their goal of raising $18,000. However, they accept donations for their Relay for Life until August. Click here to donate:

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