Photo Profile: Bookworm and Student Madison Goubeaux
Franchesca Hackworth
Asst. Online Editor

Goubeaux relies on the Bible and hymnal during her frequent visits to the University of Dayton Chapel to find guidance and balance in her life.

Her love for literature extends beyond herself into society as she donates in front of Holy Angels School to fight the concern that Dayton is becoming a book desert, where children’s books are decreasing in availability. “Madison constantly has a smile on her face when she talks about her education classes, her experience at the Bombeck center and overall little kids,” said colleague Grace Fisher.

Goubeaux keeps this book that was signed and given to her by the first elementary students and teacher she volunteered for as remembrance of the moment she knew what she was meant to do, as well as inspiration that one day she will have a classroom of her own. “She is always reading books when she gets a chance, and they are usually books written by other teachers,” Fisher said.

“Her love for teaching and her passion for books will take her far in life,” Fisher said. Everyone has a story, it’s a matter of what the chapters contain that defines who we are. The final chapter of Goubeaux’s life is not yet written as she dreams of being a UD professor and writing a book of her own, sharing her journey as an educator with others.
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