Flyer Enterprises’ ‘The Blend’ To Sell Starbucks Coffee
Hannah Heil
Contributing Writer
Customers of The Blend and The Blend Express can soon expect something different during their visits.
The two Flyer Enterprises businesses are switching from Boston Stoker to Starbucks coffee and have signed papers to make this change a reality, said Max Higgins, president of coffee divisions at FE. With the official papers signed, there will be a four-week implementation process.
When asked why Flyer Enterprises has decided to make this change for its coffee shops, Higgins explained it is a way to differentiate The Blend and The Blend Express as coffee providers. Because there are four locations to purchase coffee on UD’s campus—The Blend, The Blend Express, Heritage Coffeehouse and Au Bon Pain—the switch to Starbucks will provide students with a greater variety of coffee options.
The Blend will predictably draw more people in by selling Starbucks coffee, Higgins said.
The Blend can be found in the basement of Roesch Library, and its sister coffee shop, The Blend Express, is in the Atrium of the business school, Miriam Hall. The coffee shops are designed to be grab-and-go, geared toward consumers looking to purchase coffee while on the run.

Heritage Coffeehouse, on the other hand, is a popular choice for coffee consumers on campus because it offers a place to eat in. Heritage Coffeehouse will continue supplying 3-19 coffee, which was started by a UD graduate.
Flyer Enterprises expects an increase in brand loyalty, increased sales, improvement in operational efficiency, product consistency and better waste management, Higgins said. One can expect overall positive changes to result from this decision—most notably in the predicted consumer sales increase.
Starbucks coffee often is known for its high prices. Prices are going to rise a little bit, but it will be no higher than the price of coffee at a Starbucks coffee shop, Higgins said. Some of The Blend’s products might be sold for slightly below Starbucks’ price. Students can look forward to an updated and improved menu, which will offer some new refreshers.
When asked if The Blend foresees any setbacks in switching to Starbucks coffee, Higgins said one difficulty could be in the turnover of management. Sales associates often stay the same, but new executive leaders are sworn in each year on April 1. This allows for a fresh outlook, but it can be difficult to transfer knowledge. Transferring information on the change in suppliers to next year’s team may be challenging.
Flyer Enterprises also has additional projects in the works. The student-run business organization is planning to open a bistro at the Dayton Arcade, which is located in downtown Dayton and will be a place where entrepreneurs in the area can gather.
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