Breaking: UD first-year student dies from COVID-19 complications
Photo of Michael Lang, a first-year student who passed away Thursday, Oct. 22 after battling the coronavirus.

Kaitlin Lewis
News Editor
The University of Dayton sent an email to the student body today announcing the death of a student due to complications he faced from COVID-19.
Micahel Lang, a first-year student in the College of Arts and Sciences, passed away Thursday, Oct. 22. Lang had returned home on September 13 to LaGrange, Illinois to continue his semester remotely. At that time, the university’s COVID-19 status was still raised to “Level 4: Warning” and all undergraduate classes were being held online. According to the university’s email, Lang had faced a “lengthy hospitalization” due to the coronavirus.
“The loss of Michael calls our campus community to honor his memory and support those who are affected by his passing,” UD said in their email. “We extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to his family, friends, professors and our campus community.”
In response to Lang’s passing, the university is opening the Chapel of Immaculate Conception on Friday, Oct. 23 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. for prayerful support. UD community members are welcome to stop by at any point during these hours to light a candle in memory of Lang and those who are affected by his loss.
UD said campus ministers, housing and residence life, and UD’s counseling staff are available to anyone who is affected by Lang’s passing. Students can find more resources and information on how to reach out to talk with someone here.
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