Porch Profile: The Men of 1511 Frericks

Copy of Issue 15-Huang-_MG_8935w
Seniors and brothers in Pi Kappa Alpha, Mike Dicillo, Michael Quigley, Ben Schuff and Kyle Rarig on their porch at 1511 Frericks Way. (Vincent Huang/Staff Photographer)

BY: Kayla Mueller – Staff Writer

FN: How did you guys meet?
Mike Dicillo: We all studied abroad in Chad [Africa] and we loved it.
All: Actually we knew each other from high school, and are all in Pi Kappa Alpha.

FN: What is your favorite place in the house?
All: The basketball court…[a plastic hoop hangs on the wall in the corner]
Ben Schuff: We are going to tape the floor and make a 3-point line.

FN: If you could have any job at UD what would you want it to be?
MD: The lady in Marycrest that says, “That will be a million dollars …but for you it will be $5.75.”
Kyle Rarig: Parking services guy, because I love angry 20-year-old strangers yelling in my face.
Michael Quigley: Librarian, or working the graveyard shift of VWK.
BS: Employee at the powerhouse giving kids key card access to wherever they need.

FN: If 1511 were a zoo, what animals would you guys be?
Michael Quigley: Silverback gorilla.
MD: Chimp.
KR: Panther.
BS: Dog.
All: Dogs are not in the zoo.
BS: OK, kangaroo.
KR: Actually, Michael would be whatever the busiest animal is.
All: Beaver.

FN: What was the best/worst Valentine’s Day ever?
BS: I am usually the one spending money. Like, I don’t even get to eat the chocolate.
MQ: In elementary school everyone gets candy…even if you are weird.
KR: I eat half the candy before I give it.
MD: My mom is the best valentine ever.

FN: If you were an object in your house what would you be?
MD: One of those flexible lamps that you can point in any direction you want.
MQ: I’d be a loveseat.
KR: A La-Z-boy.
BS: A dirty, old, soaking-wet chair damaged from a flood.

FN: If you were a Disney character, who would you be?
MQ: Simba.
All: You would not be Simba… you would be Grumpy.
MD: I’m so much more Simba than you.
MQ: Mike, you would be Cruella Deville, because you are mean and you own a bunch of dogs.
BS: The parrot in [“Aladdin”]. Actually, Jafar.
MQ: I’ll be Pumbaa and Mike can be Timon.
KR: I’ll be Aladdin and Mike can be my Jasmine.

FN: What would your dream job be?
MD: Stand up comedian.
KR: Fireman.
MQ: Stay-at-home dad.
BS: Divorce lawyer or sell home, life, or auto insurance. I’ve wanted to since the day I was born.

FN: If you were a school or office supply what would you be?
BS: A fax machine.
All: Because you have one and don’t need it because it just collects dust.
KR: A printer, because I am necessary.
MD: A No. 2 pencil. You get stuff done but you have to go back and erase it. Don’t take the pencil too seriously.
MQ: A staple. I organize and put things together.

FN: If 1511 were a hand, what finger would you be?
MQ: Index finger, because I am the director.
MD: Thumb, because without me where would we be?
KR: Ring finger, because I have the biggest heart.
BS: Middle finger.

FN: Any advice for your fellow flyers?
MD: Stay positive and dream big. Also stay hungry, stay humble and stay happy.
MQ: Clear hearts, clear minds, can’t lose?
All: Don’t say that.
MD: Always buckle your seatbelt. Watch out for black ice. My mom always told me that.
KR: Keep truckin’ and be safe. But not too safe.

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