Get to Know Campus Ministry

(Picture courtesy of UD Campus Ministry Instagram)

Emilee Strine | Contributing Writer

Twelve men gathered into a boat to fish where a storm later formed. Another man was on the shore and went to the vessel despite the tossing and turning of waves. The others noticed him and realized the man was miraculously walking on the lake.

The man said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

One of the 12 replied, unsure. However, he stepped off the boat onto the lake and journeyed on the water. He became doubtful of the other man and faltered, sinking. Immediately the other man reached out his hand and caught him. 

“You of little faith,” he said, “Why did you doubt?”

This is the story of Jesus and Paul, one of the 12 disciples, walking on water as a testament of faith in God. Paul took the first brave step toward Jesus but doubted and started drowning. Jesus didn’t let him sink. Instead, he stretched out an open hand to Paul, saving him.    

The work of Campus Ministry at the University of Dayton reflects the work of Jesus demonstrated in the story. Everyone in Campus Ministry reaches out to others in need and thrives because of it. Its mission is to invite all people into transformative encounters with God, self, and others. UD is a Catholic Marianist university, but students of all faith backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to connect with God.

           Chase Howell, a graduate assistant working in neighborhood ministry focused on retreats, believes students hunger for deep conversations. To satisfy this hunger for dialogue, students should get involved. Engaging through questions and vulnerability represents the work of Campus Ministry. Taking the courageous first step will lead to the open arms of new relationships.

           Community among UD students is the answer. Campus Ministry prioritizes students’ prosperity as they navigate life during college. It gives people hope for a greater sense of purpose while pursuing faith. Father Bob Jones, university chaplain, wants others to trust in God in doubtful times of new seasons of life.

 “Campus Ministry helps students grow in faith and spirituality as they discern their vocation,” Jones said. 

All students have numerous opportunities to be involved. The Center for Social Concern hosts Service Saturdays, during which students serve the community. Campus Ministry offers multiple retreats for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Weekly Mass and interdenominational services are at the Chapel of Immaculate Conception, which is the simplest way to contact people and have deep conversations.   

“Campus Ministry is a space for students and community to engage and encounter faith in a community. Encounters are a heart thing. This means encountering God is an intimate and relational knowing of God. People reflect God whether they know it or not. God created everyone in the likeness of his image therefore bits of pieces of Him are reflected by all people. The more we know others, the more we know God.”  Jessica Wallace, director of liturgy, said. 

Weekday Mass times at the Chapel of Immaculate Conception begin at 12:30 pm. Sunday Masses are 10 am, 12 pm, 6 pm, and 8:30 pm. More details about Campus Ministry and Mass can be found on the University of Dayton website or by contacting Fr. Jones at

Everyone is welcome at UD and Campus Ministry shines a light on that core belief. This community fosters peace, spiritual enrichment, building fellowship, furthering the exploration of vocation, and nurturing discipleship and leadership.

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