A High Energy Movement: One Man’s Passion for Winning

By: Mason Di Palma – News Editor

Thirty five days are left until Americans cast their vote in what is becoming known as the most polarizing election in our nation’s history. We have seen the emergence of a political outsider in Donald J. Trump, as he made his way out of the highly contested Republican primary season.

Trump has a way of getting his message out to the public by pointing the finger at the Washington politicians, and directly criticizing the current state of our government.

While the rise to the nomination for Trump was a wild one, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emerged out of a less contested Democratic primary season.

Clinton is no outsider to politics, as many people in this country have been exposed to her, whether it was being First Lady in the 90s or her role as a Senator from New York. Clinton has come under heavy fire from her GOP rivals for being a “typical politician.”

The race for the White House this election cycle has captured many people, and we saw a massive turnout at the polls during the primary season. People are excited, scared and nervous for Tuesday, November 8, but what is it about Donald Trump that has gotten him within 270 electoral votes from being President of the United States?

Marc Czulewicz knows a thing or two about that, as he has created a movement on the campus of The University of Dayton called UD Students for Trump. Czulewicz is a UD senior mechanical engineer and has been a Trump supporter from day one.


“I feel like people have reached their breaking point, after putting a lot of faith in Obama.” That was Czulewicz on not only why he supports Trump, but the nature of the 2016 election. Czulewicz went on to say that, “I think there is more at stake in this election, and we need a leader with a strong voice.”

His emotional connection to this year’s election cycle is comparable to many Americans across the country, and how they feel Trump will be able to restore sanity to the United States.

The movement started out slow as it began with Czulewicz volunteering for the Trump campaign during the primary season. “I was volunteering for the campaign by making phone calls and knocking on doors during the primaries.”

This movement stemmed from one person trying to make a difference and spread a message, and that message is what inspired him to create this moment.

Czulewicz told us that there was a movement called “Students 4 Trump,” which he states was an online movement but never was really affiliated with the campaign.

For this high energy student that was not enough, as his volunteering earned him a call from the Director of Millennial Outreach in Ohio.

“The director of millennial outreach reached out to me to start a local chapter,” said Czulewicz. He hasn’t looked back since, as his movement is now 40 members strong and is affiliated with the Trump campaign. Part of what this movement is involved with is contacting the voters.

Ohio is one of the most important battleground states in the nation, as the saying “as Ohio goes so goes the nation,” certainly holds truth as past elections have come down to Ohio.

“Voter contacts are key to the ground game,” said Czulewicz as he and members of this movement go door knocking and make phone calls for the campaign. “It’s a lot of fun because it’s a high-energy movement,” said Czulewicz on volunteering, and getting in touch with the voters.

Through countless hours of volunteering, and being involved with the Trump campaign Czulewicz believes his movement can make a difference on the campus of UD and nationwide as well. “He’s one of us,” Czulewicz said on why he thinks Trump has gotten this far, and why he thinks Trump will win the White House in November.

There are many Americans that have a negative attitude towards Trump, but Czulewich believes that “I think that he has a positive image around this campus.”

With such a short time before Election Day Czuelewich, and his movement hope to spread the good news about Donald Trump. He knows he will have his hands full, with people looking to change their minds at the last minute; he will be out there making sure they lean towards Trump.

People are worn out form this election cycle both physically and emotionally. Our country is in a very tough spot right now, and one of the things that Czulewich along with others are urging people to do is vote.

“I have heard people saying that they are not going to vote which is disappointing,” said Czuelwich when asked about the message he wants to send out the UD student body.

Although it may be one of the more unusual movements on campus, regardless of political beliefs Czulewich is getting involved in a historical presidential race.

The 2016 election will go down in history as one of the most exciting and nerve-racking elections in our nation’s history. With all that emotion and fear in place Marc Czulewich is using it to his advantage to start, and continue a movement he calls UD Students for Trump.


Photo Courtesy Marc Czulewicz

Flyer News: Univ. of Dayton's Student Newspaper