UD RecPlex announces renovation and expansion

(Photo Courtesy of UD Porches)

James Tong | Opinions Editor

UD announced on September 17 that the RecPlex will undergo renovations and an expansion beginning in early 2025 and includes a new state-of-the-art health and counseling center that’s slated to open in the fall of 2026.

The financial support for the project isn’t coming from the tuition dollars, but a fundraising initiative and student fee that will be implemented in the 2026-27 academic year that has yet to be determined. Once executed, undergraduate students will no longer be required to pay for Campus Recreation memberships, group fitness classes and intramural sports. For the health center, students won’t need to pay for testing of illnesses such as strep, COVID and mono as well as flu shots.

A 15,400-square-foot student health center will add two physicians and two registered nurses for the academic year, allowing the capacity to see students increase by 80%. The health center there will additionally add five more exam rooms, provide two more procedure rooms, an allergy/injection room and a nurse telehealth room. 

A counseling center that measures 13,200-square-feet adds three therapists during the academic year along with a year-round psychiatric provider and brings in four part-time master’s level clinicians that would increase clinical hours 46%.

The RecPlex will feature an additional 5,300 square-feet of new and renovated space. This includes an expanded weight room, a larger studio space, connectivity between buildings, and improved office spaces for the staff. 

It was also announced that there “will be modifications to parking lots S2 and RP8” UD officials said in a statement. “UD Parking Services has communicated those affected may have to move parking lots.”

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