UD campus now mask-optional per new CDC guidelines
Per the new guidelines, Montgomery County is now considered a “medium” COVID-19 transmission level. Photo courtesy of Flyer News.

Kaitlin Lewis | Online Editor-in-Chief
After nearly two years since campus closed in March 2020, the University of Dayton no longer requires masks on campus for general activities.
The announcement was sent to the UD community Monday afternoon following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention new guidance regarding face masks released on Friday.
Per the new recommendations from the CDC, masks are only recommended in indoor, public settings in communities designated as a “high” COVID-19 transmission level.
The CDC also changed their recommendations to no longer rely on case counts to determine a community’s need for restrictions, but instead take other numbers into account such as new COVID-related hospitalizations, reports the New York Times.
Montgomery County is now considered a “medium” level of COVID-19 transmission, which means masks are recommended for individuals who are immunocompromised or individuals who live or have contact with someone at high-risk for severe illness.
In the campus announcement, the Path Forward Team said that the UD’s medical advisory panel supports the change to the mask protocols, but added that masks continue to be a “valuable form of protection.” The Path Forward team also continues to recommend masks for people who are not fully vaccinated in indoor and crowded settings.
Masks will still be required in healthcare settings on campus as well as other specialized areas, according to UD’s announcement. All other COVID-19 protocols also remain in place.
UD will continue to provided medical grade masks for free as well.
“We cannot yet declare victory over this pandemic, and we must remain vigilant regarding COVID-19,” read the email. “Please continue to take steps, including getting vaccinated or boosted, to help us stay there.”
More information about UD’s COVID-19 protocols can be found here. For any questions not addressed online, email covid19@udayton.edu.
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