UD Begins Contract-Separation Meetings With Faculty

Terrance White | Managing Editor

Contract-separation meetings between faculty and University of Dayton administration began Monday afternoon, Flyer News learned. These meetings come after months of statements from the administration that UD’s strategy for the future, which has been shared with the Faculty Senate, is to “compete on value. Become a smaller (relative to UD’s recent history), more focused, more diverse, and higher quality university.”

UD has announced over several months that administration intends to “grow per-student net revenues and operating efficiencies to drive necessary margins for strategic investment.” UD also intends to “diversify undergraduate enrollment to raise our quality and reduce enrollment risks in a hyper-competitive market.”

Flyer News will continue to follow this developing story and provide updates as more information becomes available regarding the contract-separation meetings and the university’s strategic plans.

Flyer News: Univ. of Dayton's Student Newspaper