Speaker Series To Begin Next Month Featuring The Minimalists
Kaitlin Gawkins
Assistant Online Editor
As fall approaches, and the all-too-familiar transition from lounging outside by the neighbor’s kiddie-pool to hunkering down indoors under mounds of blankets begins, you may be feeling a little restless, in search of something to do in between Netflix binges and procrastinating on that paper you said you’d start a week ago. If this scenario sounds accurate to you, look no further than the 2017-2018 UD Speaker Series.

This year’s Speaker Series promises to bring a diverse variety of accomplished scholars, activists, and artists to campus to talk about contemporary topics, relevant to students and faculty alike. All of the speakers chosen have achieved some level of national or international recognition in their field and have been given the goal of initiating meaningful discussion within the Dayton community.
The Speaker Series begins on Thursday, Oct. 26 at 7:30pm in the Kennedy Union ballroom. Co-sponsored by the Hanley Sustainability Institute as a part of Sustainability Week, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus will be featured.
Known to their 4 million readers as “The Minimalists”, Millburn and Nicodemus aim to help people live meaningful and happy lives with fewer material goods through their website, books, podcast, and documentary. Both raised in Dayton, Ohio, The Minimalists now reside in Montana but travel on tour in order to spread their simple message: live with less.
The opportunity to hear Millburn and Nicodemus speak is not something to be taken for granted. To date, they have already been featured in the Today Show, TIME magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, NBC, BBC, CBC and NPR, have spoken at Harvard, Apple, SXSW, and TEDx, and have plans to continue to expand their vision both nationally and internationally.
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If you plan to attend, mark your calender and show up early. Though no ticket is required, seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking is available in B and C lots only. Parking in any other campus lot requires a permit. For special accommodations, please contact the Office of the Provost at 937-229-2245.
The events for spring 2018 will be announced soon.
Photos courtesy of The Minimalists.