Pay to Play: A High Price for Intramurals 

(Picture courtesy of

Kerry Kadel | Editor-in-Chief 

What once was free now comes at a costly price. Over the summer, the University of Dayton announced over email that students would now have to pay in order to join the campus’ intramural sports league. For years, friends were able to form teams and join the league free of cost for any sport that the RecPlex hosted, either inside its facility or on Stuart Field. 

Many students were disheartened over this news, especially when it was informed that the new cost of joining intramurals was $60. However, that high price is an annual pass for the school year, and if students aren’t sure they want to buy an annual pass, the RecPlex also created a $40 pass for students who only want to join for a semester. A flier was sent to students via email where a discount was given for those who purchased either an annual or seasonal pass on or before August 26 for the cost of each pass only to be ten dollars less. 

Flyer News took to our Instagram page to ask students how they felt about the annual passes being implemented and expensive, and if they would still participate in intramurals. We made a post with a poll asking if students would still be interested in participating in intramurals with the fee, and if not, reply in a Q&A form. In response to to poll, only 19% said they would be purchasing a pass, and an overwhelming majority of 81% saying they would not be purchasing a pass. In the Q&A, we asked “If not, why?” and the responses from students held all the main concerns. 

  • “Too expensive” 
  • “I shouldn’t have to pay to play my favorite sports” 
  • “I’m not that dedicated to playing a sport to spend that much $$” 

Mark Hoying, director of the RecPlex was reached out to for a comment on the situation and students’ reaction. Hoying could not meet in person, but agreed to answer questions sent via Google Document. 

  1. What brought about the idea of creating the full year and semester passes for Intramurals? 

Charging for participation in intramural sports is not a decision we made lightly. We understand the importance of and affinity for intramural sports on our campus. Over time, it has become increasingly necessary to implement this so we can continue maintaining staffing, equipment, facilities and the overall intramural sports experience that has landed UD on The Princeton Review’s “Everyone Plays Intramural Sports” list. Rather than implementing a mandatory student fee for all students, we felt it was more fair to charge only those who choose to engage in intramural sports, similar to our peer institutions and what we’ve done for more than 10 years with fitness classes, personal training sessions and outdoor trips. 

  1. Is it true that the RecPlex is struggling to form enough teams for Intramurals to happen? Have fraternities and sororities backed out due to the cost of Intramurals? 

Campus Recreation registered 449 teams for this fall semester, which is about 15% less teams than last fall. 

With three weeks left in the first session of our fall season, 20% of students have purchased a season pass. Last fall, 26% participated in the first session of our fall season.

While participation in Greek-specific leagues has been on a downward trend over the past couple of years, we’ve added leagues for groups of student employees (i.e. from Flyer Enterprises, campus tour guides and Campus Rec, which has been a popular addition). 

  1. Was the reaction of the student body expected from the cost of passes? Or was the RecPlex faculty not expecting this type of reaction at all? 

As expected, we received a passionate reply from students. We are very fortunate our students are invested in intramurals. When you change something, you can expect questions. It was great to feel their energy and learn more about their perspective as concerned members of the community. 

  1. Is there anything you’d like to clarify or make a statement regarding the positives of the Intramural passes, or Intramurals as a whole being a part of the RecPlex? 

We are honored so many students value intramural sports and other programs offered in Campus Recreation. Most people don’t know that we play three times the number of intramural games per student at UD in comparison to the national average.  Registrations for our outdoor trips have doubled and our group fitness program has grown by nearly 40% since this time last year. You can register for any of these opportunities online at strive to have something for everyone and appreciate the feedback from and conversation with our students so we can continue to improve our programs. 

With a positive outlook for the future of the RecPlex, it seems that the passes are here to stay. Though a great point is made that exercise classes at the RecPlex have always been a paid pass event, though was it easier for students to join together and make a team when Intramurals were for free? Statistics make it seem like not all that much has changed for the RecPlex since announcing the passes. 

The building is still loved and valued as a place for students to better themselves physically and mentally, join friends in a playful game of basketball on the court, or enjoy a post-workout snack or drink at The Chill. As far as they say, the RecPlex is here to stay with a few small changes to better themselves. 

Flyer News: Univ. of Dayton's Student Newspaper