
While the campus is abuzz about the upcoming basketball season and election day, it’s important to think about some of the other events going on. Veterans Day is Nov. 11 and all of us at Flyer News believe we should take the time to thank the veterans for everything they have done.

Veterans are the reason why we’re all here living and speaking English in the United States of America. Our veterans have fought against tremendous hardships and came out on top. They are the people who actually completed the leg work when the government calls for increased military action in an area.

When the media callously talks about getting involved in another war or using military action against a country, these are the people that are affected. These are the people who have left their families, their friends and their entire lives behind to fight so we can stay safe behind our borders. They may give out salaries, but you can’t put a price on that kind of bravery.

They are the ones who have fought for us to be here today, they are the ones who put their lives on the line and they are the ones who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

If you’re not a veteran, there are still things you can do to help out. Volunteering your time at a local civic institution and getting involved in your community are some of the best ways. People need help all over the world – in Dayton and abroad.

So if you know a veteran, thank them this week; they’ve done a tremendous amount for us.

Simply put, we couldn’t have an election day if we didn’t have veterans, and we couldn’t exist as a society if we didn’t have veterans.

Flyer News: Univ. of Dayton's Student Newspaper